Motorcycle - Motorbike Insurance - LPBank
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Motorcycle – Motorbike Insurance

We are all too familiar with the motorbike as a companion of every Vietnamese family and in order to “protect” him, LPB now offers comprehensive insurance products for the vehicle and the driver.

  • Features
  • Eligibility
  • Procedures
  • Illustrative examples (life insurance only)

1. Compulsory civil liability insurance: protects the driver’s liability in causing damage to a third party during traffic with:
– Human damage up to VND150 million/person/case;
– Property damage up to VND50 million/case;
2. Accident insurance for Motorcycle Passenger:
Support for the cost of the driver and other passengers in the vehicle in case of injury or death due to an unexpected accident.
3. Motorcycle physical damage insurance:
Coverage for physical damage to the vehicle due to causes such as:
– due to collision, overturning, toppling, fire, explosion;
– due to theft, robbery in public places or at home;
– due to unexpected accidents, beyond the control of the vehicle owner

Customers who own and use motorbikes in accordance with the law

– Vehicle registration
– Identity card/Citizen identity card

Example: Customer buys compulsory civil liability insurance:
– Max benefits VND150 million/person/case;
– Property benefits: VND50 million/case;
– Premium: VND66,000 (including VAT)
Customer buys accident insurance for passengers
– Level of responsibility: VND10 million/person/case
– Premium: VND10,000
Sum insured:
VND76,000 – buy Personal Accident Insurance to Drivers and Passengers for 1 person
VND86,000 – buy Personal Accident Insurance to Drivers and Passengers for 2 people
Example: Customer buys VNI’s Motor Vehicle Insurance:
– FA/Liability: VND50 million
– Coverage:
+ Fire, explosion
+ Stolen, robbed
+ Due to other causes (smashing, collision, toppling, force majeure accidents caused by nature)
+ Fire and explosion: VND150,000
+ Stolen, robbed: VND250,000
+ Due to other reasons: VND600,000
Sum insured: VND1,000,000

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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