Import - Export Tax Payment Guarantee - LPBank
Home Corporate Guarantee Import – Export Tax Payment Guarantee

Import – Export Tax Payment Guarantee

Tax payment guarantee is LienVietPostBank’s commitment to tax authorities to pay on behalf of Customers import/export taxes, excise tax, value added tax, ect. for import and export goods, if the guarantee period expires, the Customer fails to fulfill the tax payment obligation.

  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Conditions
  • Required Documents
  • Provider

Institutions and individuals of all economic sectors, having activities of exporting and importing goods as:
– Owners of imported or exported goods;
– Entrusted import institution or;
– Individuals with imported goods when entering, sending or receiving goods through Vietnam’s border gates or borders.

– Payment Guarantee for import/export tax, excise tax, value added tax, etc. for import and export goods.
– Currency: VND.
– Guarantee amount: Up to 100% of tax payable or estimated tax payable.
– Guarantee period: From 30-275 days depending on the type of goods, in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
– Guarantee fee: According to the Fee Schedule of LienVietPostBank

– Reduce the retention time of goods at the customs offices.
– Customers take the initiative in the capital to pay and the time to fulfill their tax obligations.
– To be considered for a tax payment loan

  • According to the regulations of LienVietPostBank
  • According to the regulations of LienVietPostBank

LienVietPostBank’s branches/transaction offices nationwide

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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