Cancer Insurance - LPBank

Cancer Insurance

The product gives customers complete peace of mind against the risk of Cancer.
Insurance products included with An Thinh Toan Dien; An Phuc Hung Thinh Toan Dien; An Thinh Dau Tu.

  • Product Features
  • Eligibility
  • Illustrative example

– Flexible selection of suitable product packages: basic and premium packages.
– Benefits for cancer at early stage: 50% of Sum Assured, max. VND500 million
– Benefits for cancer at end stage: 100% of Sum Assured
– Special Cancer Benefit: Extra 50% of Sum Assured if Serious Cancer is one of the following Special Cancers: 1. Pancreatic cancer; 2. Lung cancer; 3. Brain cancer; 4. Uterine cancer (cervical cancer excluded) 5. Leukemia cancer
– Hospital cash benefit ( to maximum of 30 days with one day deductible and 360 days of Hospitalization during the Insurance term)
0.2% FA, max. VND2 million for one day deductible
– Fee Waiver Benefit
– Premium package has 02 additional benefits:
+ Benefits to treatment costs
+ Benefits to health recovery
– Policy term: 5 ~ 25 years
– Maximum Sum insured: VND2 billion.

– Entry age: 0-60
– Maturity age: 85

Mr. A is 40 years old, joins life insurance with a premium of VND33,000/day (equivalent to VND12 million/year).
Benefits for cancer treatment: max VND100 million
His entry age is 40 years old, the premium is VND180 million, the value received at his maturity age of 65 is VND329 million.

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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