Export Bill Discount - LPBank
Home Corporate Trade Finance Export Bill Discount

Export Bill Discount

The Export Bill Discount is a form of credit for export legal entity customers by method of L/C or by documentary collection by bill discount of exported shipment.

  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Conditions
  • Required documents
  • Provider
  • Legal customers export by L/C or by documentary collection;
  • Prestigious Customers, with healthy financial situation, experienced and export capacity.
  • Discount currency: VND or other foreign currency.
  • Discount form: Discount with recourse.
  • The discount period is flexible in accordance with each payment method of the Bills.
  • Discount Rate: Up to 100% of the value of Bills.
  • Interest rate, discount fee: According to LienVietPostBank’s regulations from time to time.
  • Help Customers recover capital early, right after presenting Bills.
  • Enhance the competitiveness of exporters by allowing importers to make deferred payments.
  • Simple and quick procedure.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

Branches and transaction offices of LienVietPostBank nationwide

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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