Loans for Investment and Development of macadamia trees for Individual Customers - LPBank
Home Personal Loans Loans for Investment and Development of macadamia trees for Individual Customers

Loans for Investment and Development of macadamia trees for Individual Customers

  • Products are provided at the Bank’s Branch/Transaction Office.
  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Application Criteria
  • Required Documents
  • Individual Customers
  • Loan currency: Vietnamese Dong (VND)
  • Loan method: deal by deal or credit line
  • Various forms of loan: secured Loan with collateral as macadamia trees formed from loan capital
  • Flexible repayment method: Principal and interest paid monthly, quarterly or term-end
  • For medium and long-term loans: Principal and interest paid periodically but not exceeding 12 months/term or the repayment time is suitable for the harvest season and consumption time of products from macadamia tree
  • Loan rate up to 80% of total planting and/or care costs
  • Loan term up to 10 years
  • Grace period for principal and interest up to 72 months
  • Have financial ability to ensure repayment of principal, interest and fees within the commitment period
  • Have Equity participating in the loan plan in accordance with the Bank’s regulations
  • Satisfy other requirements of LienVietPostBank from time to time.
  • Loan Application form and other documents.
  • Other papers according to LienVietPostBank’s current regulations.
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