Project Housing Loans - LPBank
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Project Housing Loans

  • Are you dreaming of owning your own home for your beloved family?
    Are you struggling financially? Or worry about bank loan procedures?
    Let LienVietPostBank give your Dreams wings with Project Housing Loan.
  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Application Criteria
  • Required Documents
  • Customers are individuals who needs a loan to buy/receive the transfer of the Project House
  • Loan term: Maximum 240 months (20 years).
    Currency: VND
    Maximum loan amount: up to 100% of the value of the purchased/transferred
    Loan interest rate: According to LienVietPostBank’s regulations from time to time
    Loan method: deal by deal
    Collateral: Assets formed from loan capital and/or other collaterals as prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
  • The most competitive and transparent interest rates and fees in the market
    Quick and convenient procedure
    Flexible repayment method
    High loan limit
    Get advice from LienVietPostBank staff about useful services and information

– Have financial ability to ensure repayment of principal, interest and fees within the commitment period
– Have Equity participating in the loan plan in accordance with the Bank’s regulations
– Satisfy other requirements of LienVietPostBank from time to time.

  • Loan Application form and other documents.
    Other papers according to LienVietPostBank’s current regulations.
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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