Secured short-term loans - LPBank
Home Corporate Trade Finance Secured short-term loans

Secured short-term loans

Secured short-term loans as imported goods to be formed in the future and mortgaged goods at the warehouse of LienViet Logistics Joint Stock Company.

  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Conditions
  • Required documents
  • Provider

Customers are legal entities and a private business owners who need short-term credit for their business activities and have collateral as imported goods to be formed in the future and mortgaged goods at the warehouse of Lien Viet Logistics Joint Stock Company.

  • Loan method: deal by deal/credit line.
  • Currency for disbursement and debt collection: VND.
  • Loan term: maximum 1 year
  • Flexible collateral.
  • Competitive lending interest rates.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

Branches and transaction offices of LienVietPost Bank nationwide.

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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