Loans for Agricultural and Rural Development - LPBank
Home Personal Loans Loans for Agricultural and Rural Development

Loans for Agricultural and Rural Development

  • Aim at financing capital needs for Custormers in agricultural production.
  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Application Criteria
  • Required Documents
  • Individuals, household heads, business households, and farm owners residing in rural areas or engaged in agricultural production and business activities;
  • Cooperative groups, cooperatives, unions of cooperatives in rural areas or engaged in agricultural production and business activities in the field of agriculture;
  • Corporates and private business owners engaged in production and business activities in rural areas;
  • Corporates and private business owners who supply agricultural inputs for agricultural production and enterprises that produce, purchase, process and consume agricultural products and by-products;
  • Cooperatives and unions of cooperatives in rural areas or engaged in production and business activities in the field of agriculture.
  • Loan term: Flexible according to capital needs, production and business cycle, customer’s capital recovery time: up to 20 years
  • Currency: VND
  • Loan amount: Maximum 80% of total capital needs for secured loans.
  • Loan interest rate: According to LienVietPostBank’s regulations from time to time
  • Repayment method of principal + interest: Monthly, quarterly or other terms.
  • Satisfy other conditions as prescribed by LienVietPostBank.
  • Meet the demand for capital in a timely manner for agricultural and rural production and business activities
  • Competitive and transparent interest rates
  • Quick and convenient procedure
  • Get professional and dedicated advice from LienVietPostBank staff
  • Have financial ability to ensure repayment of principal, interest and fees within the commitment period
  • Have Equity participating in the loan plan in accordance with the Bank’s regulations
  • Satisfy other requirements of LienVietPostBank from time to time.
  • Loan Application form and other documents.
  • Other papers according to LienVietPostBank’s current regulations.
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