Loans under Export Letter of Credit - LPBank
Home Corporate Trade Finance Loans under Export Letter of Credit

Loans under Export Letter of Credit

A financial solution for the production and business needs of Export Enterprises.

  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Conditions
  • Required documents
  • Provider

Export Enterprises in Vietnam whose Letter of Credit is presented at LienVietPostBank (Bank) at the time of loan application.

  • Payment method: L/C.
  • Loan method: deal by deal/credit line.
  • Loan currency: VND or foreign currency.
  • Loan term/Debt Acceptance Agreement: maximum 6 months.
  • Unsecured loans for Customers who meet this product regulation on the basis of checking L/C, related documents and controlling Customers’ cash flow.
  • Competitive lending interest rate.
  • High maximum loan amount.
  • Simple and fast procedure.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

Branches and transaction offices of LienVietPostBank nationwide

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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