House Construction & Renovation Loan - LPBank
Home Personal Loans House Construction & Renovation Loan

House Construction & Renovation Loan

  • Meet Individual Customers’ needs for housing construction/renovation costs for themselves, their families and for rent.
  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Application Criteria
  • Required Documents
  • Procedures
  • Individual Customers
  •  Loan amount: Maximum 100% of the estimated value of house construction/renovation for loans for house construction/renovation) and 70% of estimated value of rental house construction/renovation.
    Loan term: Maximum 120 months.
    – Currency: VND
    – Loan interest rate: According to the Bank’s regulations at the Loan time
    – Repayment method: Monthly interest payment, periodic principal payment (monthly/quarterly or other term)
  • Maximum repayment grace period of up to 12 months (for rental house construction/renovation loans).
    Competitive interest rates/fees
    Fast processing time

– Have financial ability to ensure repayment of principal, interest and fees within the commitment period
– Have Equity participating in the loan plan in accordance with the Bank’s regulations
– Satisfy other requirements of LienVietPostBank from time to time.

  • Loan Application form and other documents.
    Other papers according to LienVietPostBank’s current regulations.
  • Step 1: Customers contact LienVietPostBank Branch/Transaction Office for advice and guidance on loan procedures
  • Step 2: LienVietPostBank conducts credit appraisal and notify the results to Customers within the prescribed time.
  • Step 3: Customers enter into the contract, complete the relevant procedures and receive the loan disbursement
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