Overseas Study Remittance - LPBank

Overseas Study Remittance

Overseas Study Remittance is an International Remittance service provided to overseas students with convenient, flexible and fast procedures.

  • Eligibility
  • Benefits
  • Requested Documents
  • Fees
  • Overseas student
    Relatives of Overseas student
  • Individuals belonging to overseas study units/organizations transfer money under the authorization of the Overseas student or Relatives of Overseas student
  • Fast, safe and accurate processing.
  • Competitive service fee with many incentive programs.
  • The most attractive and competitive rates in the market.
  • It is possible to transfer 135 foreign currencies to many different countries.
  • Quick check
  • Absolute confidentiality of Customer’s transaction information
  • Documents proving the remittance purpose.
  • Documents proving family relationship or Power of Attorney
  • ID card/Citizen ID/Passport/Visa (if any)

According to the current fee schedule for individual customers of Lien Viet Post Bank. See details here.

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