Comprehensive Premium Critical Illness Cover - LPBank
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Comprehensive Premium Critical Illness Cover

Comprehensive premium Critical Illness Insurance helps customers overcome all difficulties and feel more secure in the face of Critical Illness risks with the following preeminent benefits:
– Protection for up to 88 Critical Illnesses
– Critical Illness protection at various stages
– Maximum benefit can be up to 200% of FA
– Provides long-term protection benefits

  • Product Features
  • Eligibility
  • Illustrative Example

– Benefits of Critical Illness at early stage: Dai-ichi Life Vietnam will pay 50% of the Sum Insured of the Comprehensive Premium Critical Illness Insurance if the Insured Person is diagnosed with one of the 35 Illnesses at early stage set forth in the Product Rules and Terms.This benefit will be paid for two Critical Illnesses at early stage of different disease categories.
– Benefits for Critical Illness: Dai-ichi Life Vietnam will pay 100% of the Sum Insured of Comprehensive Premium Critical Illness Insurance if the Insured Person is diagnosed with one of 53 Critical Illnesses as defined in the Product Rules and Terms. As soon as the Critical Illness Benefit has been paid, this supplemental coverage will cease to be effective.
– The maximum total benefit is up to 200% of the Sum Insured in case of 3 critical illnesses belonging to different disease groups.
– Max Sum insured: BP + Account insurance (≤ VND2 billion)
– Waiting period of 90 days from the effective date of the policy.

– Policy Owner (PO) & Insured Person (IP)
– Entry age: 1-60
– Maturity age: 70

Premium: VND33,000/day (equivalent to VND12 million/year)
Death/Total Permanent Disability/Advanced Comprehensive Accident Protection Benefit: max VND200 million (1 severe and 2 mild)
In case a male customer joins the policy at his entry age of 25, the Sum Insured is VND 180 million, the value received at his maturity age of 50 is VND332 million.

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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