Salary payment entrustment service - LPBank
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Salary payment entrustment service

A service used to pay wages, bonuses and benefits/extraordinary income to a payee’s account at the request of a payment unit

  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Fee Schedule
  • Registration Procedures
  • Provider
  • Institutions and enterprises who need to pay salaries, bonuses and other benefits/extraordinary incomes for employees through employees’ accounts opened at LienVietPostBank

– Applicable currency: VND, USD or other foreign currency in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law
– Interest rate: Employer and employees are entitled to non-term interest on the amount maintained on the current account.
– Entrustment fee for salary payment: According to LienVietPostBank’s regulations from time to time.

– Simple, fast and convenient procedure
– Save time, management costs and limit errors in salary payment
– No need to use cash
– Confidentiality of employee’s salary information
– Customers actively choose accompanying products and services: Corporate overdraft, Card, digital banking services (SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, etc.)
– Employees are supported with other individual customers products and services and enjoy many incentives according to regulations from time to time.
– Preferential service fee policy from time to time

  • Details according to LienVietPostBank’s fee schedule

– Dossier for opening an account of an Insititutions or Corporates;
– Intrusted Payment Contract;
– A list of registrations for opening a personal account and a profile for opening a personal account;
– Transfer Request with a list of salary payments for each request for salary payment.

  • Branches/Transaction Offices nationwide
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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