Product package providing credit for construction contractors with payment sources from the State Budget/ODA - LPBank
Home Corporate LOANS Product package providing credit for construction contractors with payment sources from the State Budget/ODA

Product package providing credit for construction contractors with payment sources from the State Budget/ODA

This package grants credit to Customers who are Construction Contractors with payment sources from the State Budget/ODA

  • Objects
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Loan Conditions
  • Required Documents
  • Provider
  • Procedures

Corporate Customers and Private Business Owners are Construction Contractors in progress of construction and equipment installation for new Works, repair, renovation, relocation, restoration, demolition, warranty, and maintenance of construction Works with payment sources from the State Budget/ODA.

  • For Guarantee
    Bid security (Bid Bond), Contract Performance Guarantee, Advance Payment Guarantee: Issuance of a guarantee without Collateral or on the basis of satisfying the Bank’s management requirements.
  • Payment guarantee: Issuance of a guarantee with collateral as the right to debt claim
  • For loans: Based on the value of the formed debt claim and the value of unfinished output.
    Credit grant currency: VND.
    Credit granting method: Deal by deal/Credit line
    Loan term: No more than 01 year.
    Repayment method: Collect debt corresponding to the loan amount as soon as the customer receives the payment from the investor for the project financed by the Bank.
  • For Import L/C Issuance: Issuing import L/C without collateral
  • Issuance of Bid Security (Bid Bond), Contract Performance Guarantee, Advance Payment Guarantee without collateral.
  • Loans, payment guarantees, issuance of L/Cs with collateral as debt claim with a high and competitive credit granting rate, suitable to Customers’ needs.
  • Simple and quick procedure; quick processing time

Customers are main contractors and sub-contractors in progress of construction and equipment installation for new Works, repair, renovation, relocation, restoration, demolition, warranty, and maintenance of construction Works with payment sources from the State Budget/ODA.
Customers, subcontractors, investors and works must meet the Bank’s conditions.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

Branches and transaction offices of Lien Viet Post Bank nationwide

  • Step 1: Customers contact LienVietPostBank Branch/Transaction Office for advice and guidance on loan procedures
  • Step 2: LienVietPostBank conducts credit appraisal and notify the results to Customers within the prescribed time.
  • Step 3: Customers enter into the contract, complete the relevant procedures and use the granted Credit Line.
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