Import Bills Collection - LPBank

Import Bills Collection

Customers are notified immediately upon receipt of the Collection documents from the Foreign Bank to request payment of the draft on maturity and hand over the documents to the Customer to receive the goods.


  • Benefits
  • Procedures
  • Fees
  • Accompanied service

Get fast, free and professional advice.
Fast, safe and accurate transaction processing.
Competitive service fees.
Increase convenience for customers.
Flexible choice of deferred payment term while still meeting the needs of the seller.
Get access to cheap capital from Bank.
Financial solutions for businesses in the context of limited access to foreign currency loans.
Absolute confidentiality of Customer’s transaction information


  • D/P- Documents Against Payment: LienVietPostBank will deliver the documents to the Customer when the Customer makes immediate payment.
  • D/A-Documents Against Acceptance: LienVietPostBank will deliver the documents to the Customer when the Customer signs to accept payment on the time draft.
  • According to the current fee schedule for corporate customers of Lien Viet Post Bank. See details here.
  • Financial support through import financing solutions.
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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