Loans for planting and caring for macadamia trees - LPBank
Home Corporate LOANS Loans for planting and caring for macadamia trees

Loans for planting and caring for macadamia trees

A Financial solution for customers who are legal entities and private business owners to buy land to grow macadamia trees and pay the costs of planting and caring for macadamia trees

  • Objects
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Loan Conditions
  • Required Documents
  • Provider
  • Procedures

Customers are legal entities and private business owners who are members of the Vietnam Macadamia Association, need a loan to invest in planting and caring for macadamia trees.

  • Loan method: Deal by deal/Credit line
    Collateral: NIS seeds, kernels, finished nuts, products from macadamia nuts and other collaterals (valuable papers, real estate, means of transport, machinery and equipment) according to regulations.
  • Loan amount: max 80% of the Customer’s total capital needs.
  • Loan currency: VND
  • Loan term: maximum of 10 years; Grace period: In line with the repayment source of the loan plan
  • High maximum loan rate, car valuation in line with market value.
  • Flexible repayment methods.
    Add collateral to increase the loan rate.
  • Simple and quick procedure; fast processing time. Customers are entitled to participate in promotional gifts, incentives on loan interest rates, buy car insurance with the lowest fees, etc., which are specified from time to time according to the Bank’s regulations.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

In accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.

Branches and transaction offices of Lien Viet Post Bank nationwide

  • Step 1: Customers contact LienVietPostBank Branch/Transaction Office for advice and guidance on loan procedures
  • Step 2: LienVietPostBank conducts credit appraisal and notify the results to Customers within the prescribed time.
  • Step 3: Customers enter into the contract, complete the relevant procedures and use the granted Credit Line.
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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