SMS Banking - LPBank

SMS Banking

With only a friendly mobile phone, you can still use LienVietPostBank’s products and services conveniently, quickly and accurately without going to the bank counter; that gives you maximum satisfaction with a new and modern service of LienVietPostBank.

  • Procedures
  • Benefits
  • Messaging instructions
  • Fees
Follow these steps to register your new internet banking:
Step 1:
Get an application form in one of two ways:
– Download Internet Banking Service Application Form for Individual Customers or Internet Banking Services Agreement for Corporate Customers from LienVietPostBank’s website.
– At branches, transaction offices of LienVietPostBank.
Step 2:
Fill in the Application Form or Agreement
Step 3:
Submit a completed Application Form or Agreement with signature and full name at any LienVietPostBank transaction offices nationwide.

Just by composing a message to the Call Center, you can immediately perform LienVietPostBank transactions at any time, anywhere such as:

  • Notice of balance fluctuations.
  • Inquiry balance.
  • Statement of the last 5 transactions.
  • Top-up service for prepaid mobile subscribers (VNTopup).
  • Internal transfer via SMS.
  • Bill payment
– Daily limit:
+ Number of transfers: maximum 5 times
+ Amount: maximum VND2,000,000/transfer
– SMS fee:
+ Call Center 8149: VND1,500/SMS
+ Call Center 8049: VND1,000/SMS (VinaPhone: Free)
For example: Using transfer and VnTopup services:
Subscriber number 0912345678 corresponding to account number 45005000000987040018 registered all SMS Baking services at LienVietPostBank.
· VnTopup service:
Step 1:
Text OK to 8049
Purpose: activate service in passwordless mode.
Step 2:
Text NAP Vn100 to 8049
Purpose: Top-up with a face value of VND100,000 for subscriber
Or Text “NAP Vn100 0987654321” to 8049
Purpose: Top up with a face value of 100,000 VND for prepaid subscribers 0987654321.
Some other utilities:
– Use the service in password mode: Text MK NOP 1883 to 8049
Purpose: Set password 1883 for VnTopup service (due to customers used the service in passwordless mode before). The Top-up messages then require a password.- To cancel the password mode: Text MK 1883 NOP to 8049
Purpose: Remove password and switch to passwordless mode for VnTopup service. No password is required for subsequent VnTopup service implementation messages. Transfer service:
Step 1: Set the password, for example “abcd9876”
Text LPB MK NOP abcd9876 to 8149
Step 2: Transfer VND 500,000 from Account No. 45005000000987040018 to Account No. 44004000000667040039
Text LPB CK 50000 45005000000987040018 44004000000667040039 to 8149
Step 3: Receive SMS from Call Center 8149: LPB CF 886EC179*E89DF76014. Replace * with the 5th character in the password and send it to 8149 to confirm the transfer of VND500,000 to Account No. 44004000000667040039
Step 4: Confirm the transaction by:
– Select the Forward to Forward the newly received SMS.
– Replace the 5th character of the password in the message you just received. For password is abcd9876, the 5th character of the password will be the number “9”.
– Send the corrected SMS to 8149 for the transaction confirmation
In details: LPB CF 886EC1799E89DF76014. Replace * register 5 in the terminal and the instruction set 8149 to change 500000 for the earpiece 44004000000667040039
Step 5: Receive the result message.

For details, click here.

Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58

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