Dual Account - LPBank

Dual Account

  • Dual account is a demand account in VND that provides customers with full features of a current account and overdraft.
  • Conditions
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Required Documents
  • Provider
  • Individual Customers

• Deposit type: VND.
• Minimum deposit amount: At the request of the Customer, but not less than the minimum balance of the Current Account as prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
• Term: Demand deposit
• Interest rate: Ladder interest rate based on the balance at the end of the day on the Dual Account.
• Payment method: Interests are paid by LienVietPostBank to Customer’s bisexual account on the last day of the month.
• A current account can be converted to a Dual Account.

  • Same benefits as a current account.
  • Enjoy step-up interest rate by the balance at the end of the day.
  • Overuse account balance with overdraft.
  • Verification papers and other documents as prescribed by LienVietPostBank.
  • Form “Application and Contract for Opening and Using Accounts”
  • Branches and transaction offices of Lien Viet Post Bank nationwide
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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