Mastercard Debit Card - LPBank
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Mastercard Debit Card


  • Eligibility
  • Conditions
  • Scope of credit cards
  • Features
  • Banking Tariff & Card Usage Limit
  • Required documents
  • Vietnamese citizens or foreigners who are legally residing in Vietnam have a need to use the JCB International Debit Card products issued by LienVietPostBank and meet the conditions for card issuance and use prescribed by LienVietPostBank and the law.
  • The primary and supplementary cardholders shall meet the conditions for opening and using an account according to LienVietPostBank’s regulations;
    Have a current deposit account in VND opened at LienVietPostBank;
    Comply with the terms and conditions of issuance, use and payment of LienVietPostBank’s international debit cards.

At POSs accepting MasterCard cards worldwide.
Cardholders are allowed to use Visa credit cards to make transactions at ATMs, POSs, ATMs of the Bank and Visa member banks;
Cardholder’s transactions are made within the Cardholder’s Credit Limit granted by the Bank.

Earn 1% unlimited cashback on spends
At ATMs of LienVietPostBank:
Cash withdrawals; Change Password; Account balance inquiry; Statement of the last 5 transactions;
LienVietPostBank Internal transfer;
Top up directly on ATMs of LienVietPostBank (Topup);
Pay bills at ATMs of LienVietPostBank

At ATMs of Visa member banks:
Cash withdrawals;
Change Password (*);
Account balance inquiry (*).
(*) Change Password and Account balance inquiry can only be carried out on ATMs with support this service.

At POSs located at LienVietPostBank and JCB member banks:
Cash advance (For POSs with cash advance function)
Payment for goods and services.

At Webiste accepting payment of LienVietPostBank’s and JCB member banks’ POSs: Payment for goods and services.
Customers are entitled to demand interest on the Credit balance of the Current Account in accordance with the Bank’s regulations from time to time.
Currency used is VND and foreign currency (for transactions outside the territory of Vietnam);
Get attractive discounts with many preferential points including restaurant chains, hotels, fashion stores, education, health, beauty, etc.


1. Hạn mức giao dịch tối đa/ ngày Giao dịch thanh toán hàng hóa, dịch vụ 100.000.000 VND/ ngày
Giao dịch rút tiền 100.000.000 VND/ ngày
Giao dịch chuyển khoản tại ATM 50.000.000 VND/ ngày
Giao dịch thanh toán qua mạng 50,000,000 VND/ngày
2. Số lần giao dịch tối đa/ ngày Tổng hạn mức giao dịch quy định theo Hạn mức giao dịch tối đa/ ngày của mỗi loại giao dịch. Bao gồm giao dịch:

         Thanh toán hàng hóa, dịch vụ

         Rút tiền mặt

         Thanh toán qua mạng

         Chuyển khoản

100 lần/ ngày
3. Hạn mức giao dịch tối đa/ lần  Giao dịch thanh toán hàng hóa, dịch vụ 100.000.000 VND/ lần
Giao dịch rút tiền 10.000.000 VND/ lần
Giao dịch chuyển khoản tại ATM 50.000.000 VND/ lần
Giao dịch thanh toán qua mạng 50.000.000 VND/ lần
Giao dịch rút tiền tại ATM của ngân hàng khác Tùy theo quy định của ngân hàng sở hữu ATM và hạn mức nhỏ hơn sẽ được áp dụng.
  • Fill in personal information according to the Bank’s Credit Card Issuance Application Form;
    Copy of valid ID card /Passport.
Call center *8668 (free)/ 024 62 668 668

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