Regular Deposit - LPBank
Home Corporate Deposits Regular Deposit

Regular Deposit

Regular Deposit is for Institutional Customers with various terms and interest payment methods

  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Conditions
  • Interest rate
  • Procedures
  • Provider

– Minimum amount:
For account in Vietnamese dong: VND1,000,000
For account in US Dollars: USD100
Interest payment method:
+ Up-front payment, once at the effective date of deposit.
+ Term-end payment, once at the maturity date of the deposit term.
+ Periodic payment

– Various terms with attractive interest rates;
– Simple and fast procedure;
– Opened accounts can be traded in many offices
– Deposit contract can be used as collateral

  • The domestic and foreign Institutions and Corporates in Vietnam allowed to do business in the area, territory and complied with the provisions of the Law of Vietnam (excluding credit institutions)
  • Interest rate: According to the regulations of LienVietPostBank from time to time

– Document for opening an account (For Customers in the first transaction).
– Term Deposit Contract.

  • Branches and transaction offices of Lien Viet Post Bank nationwide
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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