April 29, 2021 - 2021 Annual General Meeting held - LPBank
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April 29, 2021 – 2021 Annual General Meeting held


Ho Chi Minh City, April 29, 2021 – LienVietPostBank (HOSE: LPB) successfully held the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM). With the high consensus of shareholders, the General Meeting approved many important contents, including business plan in 2021, profit before tax reached VND3,200 billion, up 32% compared to 2020; The plan to increase charter capital to VND 15,700 billion; 2020 Dividend Payout ratio of12%; Additional election of Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuy to the Board of Directors.

Mr. Huynh Ngoc Huy – Chairman of the BOD is giving the opening speech of the General Meeting of Shareholders 2021.

According to a report at the General Meeting of Shareholders, in 2020, despite being heavily affected by the double impact of natural disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to the efforts of the whole system, LienVietPostBank’s business results stand out with a series of outstanding results. All financial indicators recorded good growth. Accordingly, by the end of fiscal year 2020, the Bank’s total assets reached VND 242,343 billion. Market 1 mobilization reached more than VND206,700 billion. Loans to market 1 reached more than VND 177,000 billion. Especially, pre-tax profit reached VND2,427 billion, reaching the highest level in 13 years of operation of the Bank.

With the successes achieved and available potential, the Bank’s Board of Directors has submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders the business plan for 2021, representing the effort to conquer more challenging goals. The targets are given in turn: total assets reached VND282,600 billion, increased by 17%; Capital mobilization from Market 1 increased by 15% to VND237,770 billion; Market 1 Credit increased by 20% to VND213,020 billion; Net service revenue reached VND880 billion; Expected dividend payout ratio is 10%; Profit before tax increased by 32% to VND3,200 billion.

At the General Meeting of Shareholders, a number of other important contents were also approved, specifically: Increasing charter capital to VND 15,700 billion through the issuance of shares, including issuing 265 million shares to existing shareholders (VND2,650 billion), 35 million shares issued (VND350 billion dong) under the employee selection program (ESOP), private placement of 66.7 million shares to foreign investors, raising the maximum ownership rate of foreign investors up to 9.99%.

In particular, LienVietPostBank will carry out dividend payout in 2020 in shares of up to 12% from the issuance of 129 million shares (VND 1,290 billion).

The General Meeting of Shareholders also approved the additional election of Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuy to the Board of Directors for the term 2018 – 2023.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuy (born on September 11, 1976), also known as “Bau Thuy”, is a strategic visionary who has held the title of chairman as well as important positions at many large enterprises operating in the fields of: finance, securities, insurance, real estate, construction, energy, cement, etc. With his reputation and many years of experience in the market, he is expected to contribute positively to the strong development of LienVietPostBank in the future.

The plans and orientations approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021, along with the solid foundation built in the past time, will be the basis for continued efforts, creating new successes and strong breakthroughs to affirm LienVietPostBank’s position and firm footing for a further journey in 2021.


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