Car Insurance - LPBank
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Car Insurance

Car is not only a vehicle but also a valuable asset to each family. It is essential to participate in car insurance products that both ensure the provisions of the law and protect your assets against unexpected risks and events.

  • Features
  • Eligibility
  • Procedures
  • Illustrative examples (life insurance only)

1. Compulsory civil liability insurance: protects the driver’s liability in causing damage to a third party during traffic with:
– Human damage up to VND150 million/person/case;
– Property damage up to VND50 million/case;
2. Accident insurance for Passenger:
Support for the cost of the driver and other passengers in the vehicle in case of injury or death due to an unexpected accident.
3. Motorcycle physical damage insurance:
Coverage for physical damage to the vehicle due to causes such as:
– due to collision, overturning, toppling, fire, explosion;
– due to theft, robbery in public places or at home;
– due to unexpected accidents, beyond the control of the vehicle owner

Customers who own and use car in accordance with the law

– Vehicle registration
– Vehicle Register
– Identity card/Citizen identity card

Mr. A has just bought a 5-seat Vinfast car worth VND 01 billion. Accordingly, if Mr. A participates in all types of vehicle insurance, the maximum liability to be paid (benefits) and premiums are as follows:
– Civil liability insurance:
+ Max benefits for people: VND150 million/person/case; for assets: VND100 million/case
+ Premium: VND480,700/year
– Accident liability insurance:
+ Max benefits: VND10 million/person/case and total number of cases
+ Number of seats: 05 seats
+ Premium: VND50,000/year
– Vehicle material insurance:
+ Max benefits: VND 01 billion/case/total number of cases
+ Premium: VND13,000,000/year

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