Home Interest Rate

Interest Rate



This schedule is effective from June 28th, 2021


NO. Interest rate in VND Interest rate in USD
1 0.10 0.00


Term: Interest rate in VND Interest rate in USD
Up-front Monthly Quarterly Term-end
01 Week (W) - - - 0.10 0.00
02 W - - - 0.10 0.00
03 W - - - 0.10 0.00
01 Month (M) 3.09 - - 3.10 0.00
02 M 3.08 3.10 - 3.10 0.00
03 M 3.37 3.39 - 3.40 0.00
04 M 3.36 3.39 - 3.40 0.00
05 M 3.35 3.38 - 3.40 0.00
06 M 4.11 4.16 4.18 4.20 0.00
07 M 4.10 4.16 - 4.20 0.00
08 M 4.08 4.15 - 4.20 0.00
09 M 4.25 4.34 4.35 4.40 0.00
10 M 4.24 4.33 - 4.40 0.00
11 M 4.22 4.32 - 4.40 0.00
12 M 5.30 5.46 5.49 5.60 0.00
13 M (*) 5.45 5.45 - 5.60 0.00
15 M 5.23 5.42 6.58 5.60 0.00
16 M 5.21 5.41 - 5.60 0.00
18 M 5.16 5.39 6.53 5.60 0.00
24 M 5.03 5.32 6.43 5.60 0.00
25 M 5.01 5.31 - 5.60 0.00
36 M 4.79 5.19 6.24 5.60 0.00
48 M 4.64 5.15 6.06 5.60 0.00
60 M 5.18 6.01 6.04 6.99 0.00
  • In case of early withdrawal, Customers are entitled to the lowest demand interest rate at the time of withdrawal.
  • (*) Notes: For new/renewed 13-month term deposits in Passbooks/Deposit contracts with a deposit balance of VND300 billion or more, the deposit rate for term-end payment shall be 6.99%/ year, monthly interest is 6.76%/year and up-front interest is 6.49%/year.

Interest rates for individual customers at Post Office Transaction Office

1. Demand Savings/ Personal Savings Account:

NO. Interest rate in VND
1 0,1%/Year

2. Term savings products (%/year):

Term: Term savings Earn interest at term-end, withdraw once Term savings Earn Periodic interest Term savings Earn upfront interest Term Savings with once withdrawal (converted from Term Savings with flexible principal withdrawal)*
Monthly Quarterly
01 M - - - 3.09 -
02 M - 3.10 - 3.08 -
03 M - 3.39 - 3.37 3.40
04 M - 3.39 - 3.36 -
05 M - 3.38 - 3.35 -
06 M - 4.16 4.18 4.11 4.20
07 M - 4.16 - 4.10 -
08 M - 4.15 - 4.08 -
09 M - 4.34 4.35 4.25 -
10 M - 4.33 - 4.24 -
11 M - 4.32 - 4.22 -
12 M - 5.46 5.49 5.30 5.60
13 M - 5.45 - 5.28 -
15 M - 5.42 5.45 5.23 -
16 M - 5.41 - 5.21 -
18 M - 5.39 5.41 5.16 -
24 M - 6,39 5.34 5.03 5.60
25 M - 5.39 - 5,95 -
36 M - 5.32 5.21 5.01 -
48 M - 5.31 5.17 4.79 -
60 M - 5.15 6.04 4.64 -
  • *Notes: Term Savings with flexible principal withdrawal stopped from October 1st, 2017 according to the Decision No.10094/2017/QD-LienVietPostBank dated September 29th, 2017 Stop the deployment of the deposit product “term savings with flexible principal withdrawal on the Post Transaction Office’s system” came into effect, according to which:
    • For accounts in circulation up to the day preceding the effective date of the decision to stop product deployment, its interest rate remains unchanged.
    • For due accounts from the date of decision to stop deployment, they will be converted to Term Savings with the corresponding term and interest rate.


This schedule is effective from 08h00 ngày 16/04/2020


NO. Interest rate in VND Interest rate in USD
1 0.10 0.00


Term: Interest rate in VND Interest rate in USD
Up-front Monthly Quarterly Term-end
01 tuần - - - 0.10 0.00
02 tuần - - - 0.10 0.00
03 tuần - - - 0.10 0.00
01 tháng 4.18 - - 4.20 0.00
02 tháng 4.17 4.19 - 4.20 0.00
03 tháng 4.54 4.58 - 4.60 0.00
04 tháng 4.53 4.57 - 4.60 0.00
05 tháng 4.51 4.57 - 4.60 0.00
06 tháng 4.87 4.95 4.97 5.00 0.00
07 tháng 4.85 4.94 - 5.00 0.00
08 tháng 4.83 4.93 - 5.00 0.00
09 tháng 4.91 5.02 5.04 5.10 0.00
10 tháng 4.89 5.01 - 5.10 0.00
11 tháng 4.87 4.99 - 5.10 0.00
12 tháng 5.92 6.13 6.16 6.30 0.00
13 tháng 5.89 6.11 - 6.30 0.00
15 tháng 5.84 6.08 6.11 6.30 0.00
18 tháng 5.75 6.03 6.07 6.30 0.00
24 tháng 5.59 5.95 5.98 6.30 0.00
36 tháng 5.29 5.78 5.81 6.30 0.00
48 tháng 5.03 5.63 5.66 6.30 0.00
60 tháng 4.79 5.49 5.51 6.30 0.00
  • Khách hàng rút trước hạn sẽ được hưởng lãi suất không kỳ hạn thấp nhất công bố tại thời điểm rút tiền.