Import CAD Collection - LPBank

Import CAD Collection

Import CAD Collection (Cash Against Documents) meet payment requirements as soon as the exporter presents the documents, affirming the prestige of the importer with the partner.


  • Benefits
  • Fees
  • Accompanied service

Get advice on making export documents.
Get advice on checking documents, errors and suggestions for necessary modifications (if any) to ensure payment safety.
Fast transaction processing, the process of sending documents within the day ensures absolute safety and accuracy.
Free tracking of documents.
Instant credit upon receipt of a credit card at a competitive fee.
Various export business financing products with reasonable costs for production and business.
Absolute confidentiality of Customer’s transaction information

  • According to the current fee schedule for corporate customers of Lien Viet Post Bank. See details here.
  • Accompanied service
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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