Income Protection Insurance helps customers maintain their family’s income with Recurring income benefits that are paid for many years.
This product included with An Thinh Toan Dien; An Phuc Hung Thinh Toan Dien; An Thinh Dau Tu
– Death and Total Permanent Disability benefit: 100% of the Sum Insured, max. VND200 million
– Fee Waiver Benefit
– Benefits in case of Death/Total Permanent Disability of the Insured Person: whichever is greater between 200% of the total Remaining Periodic Income benefit or 500% of the Sum Insured.
– Policy termination benefits or for other reasons:
– Policy term: 5 ~ 25 years
– Min. Sum insured is VND5 million and max. VND200 million
– Entry age: 18-65
– Maturity age: 70
Premium: VND33,000/day (equivalent to VND12 million/year)
Benefits of Mr. A’s wife: Periodic income benefits: maximum payment of VND42 million/year and income guarantee benefit paid once up to a maximum amount greater than 200% remaining Income benefits or 500% of Sum secured
Mr. A is 35 years old, currently has a 3-year-old son, his entry age of 35, the total premium is VND180 million, the value received at his maturity age of 60 is VND273 million.
(*) For example: In the 4th policy year, Mr. A has an unfortunate accident that leads to his death. His wife shall be paid a lump sum by VND31.5 million. In case Mr. A’s wife dies, Mr. A shall be paid VND42 million/year. In the unfortunate case that both husband and wife die, the beneficiary, their son, shall be paid a lump sum of VND 1.7 billion (VND42 million x 200% x 21 years remaining of the policy)