Home Loans - LPBank
Home Personal Loans Home Loans

Home Loans

  • Maximum support financial needs for the purpose of the Customers’ houses and land purchase
  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Application Criteria
  • Required Documents
  • Individual Customers, Household Owners who need a loan to buy/receive the transfer of land and/or house (obtained the Certificate and/or paid for the land purchase at auction) with the auction winning decision)

– Loan currency: VND.
– Loan term: Maximum 240 months.
– Loan amount: Maximum 100% of the loan demand of the loan plan.
– Loan interest rate: According to LienVietPostBank’s regulations at the loan time.
– Loan method: Deal by deal
– Repayment method: Monthly and quarterly interest payment; periodic principal payment (monthly/quarterly or other term).

– Long-loan term
– Competitive interest rates and fees
– Periodical principal and interest payment is suitable for income, so customers can make long-term plans without any disturbance in their spending plans.
– Loans to buy land payback.

– Have financial ability to ensure repayment of principal, interest and fees within the commitment period
– Have Equity participating in the loan plan in accordance with the Bank’s regulations
– Satisfy other requirements of LienVietPostBank from time to time.

  • Loan Application form and other documents.
    Other papers according to LienVietPostBank’s current regulations.
Call center (Free) 1800 57 77 58
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