Online Savings - LPBank
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Online Savings

You can actively deposit your savings online on LienViet24h/Viet Wallet apps

  • Eligibility
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Interest rates
  • Procedures
  • Provider
  • Individual customers
  • Currency: VND.
  • Minimum deposit amount: VND100,000.
  • Term: From 01 week -60 months.
  • Interest Rate: Under each term and published from time to time.
  • Various payment methods: Interest payment at term-opening, term-end and periodically (monthly, quarterly).
  • Early settlement at any time. In case of early settlement, Customers are entitled to the lowest demand interest rate at the time of withdrawal.
  • Directly settle payment on LienViet24h/Viet Wallet/at the counter.
  • The savings account when due will be processed under the method selected by the Customer at the date of opening the savings account to a new equivalent term or a lower term adjacent to the corresponding interest rate applicable at the time of renewal.
  • Send money anytime, anywhere and easily.
  • Used as collateral for re-borrowing when necessary on LienViet24h/Viet Wallet apps.
  • Preferential interest rates than regular savings products at the counter.

  • Customers whose information is stored on the Bank ‘s system.
  • LienViet24h application on the phone (LienViet24h App)
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